Monday, May 20, 2013

CHoW Bloody Mary

Funny in retrospect how easy it is to see how I messed up the shoulder anatomy. I flattened her out too much, the pose is weird and so many other problems. At least I got some material rendering practice out of it.

Below is a reference image I used to draw from. Maybe someone else will find it useful.
Satin Reference, You can find lots of these types of textures to draw reference from CG Textures:

Friday, May 17, 2013

CGHub Jawesome Redesign


While I never finished the concept, I thought it was worth posting. This is a redesign challenge from CGHub. We had to take a character from Dan Luvisi's incredible LMS series and put our own unique spin on it.

I tried to take his character Jawesome and mess with him a bit - but I felt it was becoming too generic and static. The Mass Effect style mechanical arm wasn't really doing it for me either, so I decided to refocus on practice more foundational skills like lighting and rendering.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Scholes Studies 02

I wanted to make sure in this post that it is clear I am not 'copying' any of Tom Scholes' work. These are all original paintings using methods and techniques I try and follow based on what I see in his work. Also Adventure Time is an awesome show.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Scholes Studies 01

Tom Scholes is one of my heroes if you haven't realized it yet. Here I am trying to mimic his smudgy style again. The bottom one is using a new compositional trick using darken and lighten layers in Photoshop to add complexities and unintentional nuances.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

More January Speeds

Coming a bit late, but here are some speed studies I created in January. The top focuses on FZD practice, the second a 15 minute slice and dice composition.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Scholes/Bumskee Smudge Style Study

There is something just super exciting and original about the smudgy oil effect in the digital medium. This is one of my most recent attempt to understand how it can be done.

For those of you who find yourselves here by chance and are interested in picking up some new brushes by the digital painting masters, click the link below. Bumskee's brushes, Kekai's, Barontieri's... and loads more, click the link and start building up your perfect library - it's a little old at his point but there are still some amazing brushes in all the sets. Which is perfect for a lazy person like me who finds the 'brush-making' side of photoshop dull.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Speed Doodles


Working on Speed. Recognizing shapes, pulling it all together into a cohesive design and layout using methods I've learned through FZD school on YouTube. Check out Feng Zhu's awesome videos here: