Friday, July 6, 2012

Animation Preview

Click to see the full animation!

Hey everyone, I've been bustling around trying to figure out a way to share the animated .swf I'm working on, but I guess the best way right now is to simply link to a different page.

This has been a ton of work but it has to be done. I need to figure out how to work with flash, and thanks to My friend Andrew Bertino's help, I've picked up a little ActionScript along the way...

Animated in After Effects, then added music by the fantastic by the equally wonderful Dan-O at his royalty free site here. Check it out if you are looking for tracks from several different genres!

Programs Used:
-Photoshop: painting the character and background elements
-After Effects: Used to animate the entire scene
-Flash: Added the music and some basic ActionScript to allow looping and pre-loading

-Royality Free Music "Mars and Stars" by Dan-O for the stock paper back ground.

I am at the point now where I am not sure if I want to continue working on this and refining, or move on and take what I learned into something more complex. I think I'm leaning towards doing the latter. I have never had the patience to really stick with one art piece for too long, feels like a waste of time that you could spend learning new things and experimenting with different tools.

Also I just watched Johnnie To's Vengeance and I'm too pumped to sleep

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