Friday, July 6, 2012

New Animation Project

Hey this will be my first post. Nothing particularly exciting going on, but I wanted a place where I could begin to upload images and WIPs outside of my usual avenues. And since artist seem to be using these blogs more and more I suppose I should jump on the bandwagon... even if I'm pretty late to the party.
Above are some quick thumbs for an upcoming personal animation project . More info after the jump!

Yes, that is Professor Badass - reproduced from a tragically weak memory

I am working on getting a few characters together, this sketch page is taken from my notebook, photographed and messed around with in Photoshop. The "cartoony" character at the top will be the focus of this first project.

The goal is to create a motion .swf image that loops with ambient music. Similar to what you see in Michel Victor's work

More to come. Soonish...

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